Thursday, June 6, 2013

Humans are different...or at least...we see ourselves to be different...
What we define as something may not be the same way nature defines it.
And yet our definitions on how nature, be it physical or otherwise, works work...well...relatively. I don't think space, the grandeur of the pitch-black vastness that our planet resides in, is the final frontier which can be explored. I think it is the inner space of humanity, humanity's mind, comprehension, ideology, reasoning, that is the final frontier and perhaps, after all this time, the only frontier besides that which is physical. But despite the seemingly deistic rationalization of humanity I have said, I do not place humanity in a position in which we are gods, even though some of us place ourselves to be so. the scope of my apparent primitive human reasoning, we are mere mortals to gods of fate, nature, and existence. Is it arrogant for me to hope that we will one day be able to control these forces? Even if the goal is a noble one? But how much would have changed by then, that this reasoning would be obsolete?
Ah see how I twist my own I expose my own illogicality and hypocrisy? I try too hard to be something I am not. This space inside me which I have only barely scratched the surface of is a vast expanse akin to the grandeur of space. Indeed all of us has this space. Each with our own stars, burning hot and brilliant as well as the husk-debris of shattered meteors and comets; slabs of cold, unfeeling inhumanity, and the vacuum of black holes which our personal egos, borne of our lustrous stars, are made manifest.

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